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Royal Visio wins EITA 2023 for screening ICT skills in students


Royal Visio has won the European Innovative Teaching Award (EITA) 2023 for the iExpressMyself II project aimed at screening the ICT skills of visually impaired and blind students and clients with multiple disabilities. The aim of this screening is to make students more self-reliant and thus contribute positively to their well-being.
The EITA Awards is an annual initiative to highlight innovative, interactive and inclusive teaching and learning practices in primary education, secondary education and vocational education.

Screen, monitor & develop ICT skills

Royal Visio has received the award for the development of a screening tool that allows teachers to map the ICT skills of visually impaired and blind students and clients with multiple disabilities. In addition, Royal Visio has drawn up guidelines for professionals to use screening correctly, in combination with an individual ICT development plan for each student. This allows professionals to directly monitor the progress of their students in the ICT field. The questionnaire underlying this screening was developed and validated in an earlier phase of this project.

Marcel Janssen, Director of Education at Royal Visio: “The EITA 2023 Award is a recognition of our work and of all teachers and schools who contribute to the innovation of our education every day. With this ICT screening, professionals have more insight into the developments of their students and clients and we can support them better. Because now we can offer ICT tools that better suit their development, we see these skills increase more quickly. Students and clients with visual and intellectual disabilities have more opportunities to work with these tools themselves and more enjoyment in working with ICT. And of course that's why we do it!”

European Union

The EITA Awards reward innovations that have been achieved with support from the European Union, through the Erasmus+ programme. A total of 93 awards were presented to organizations throughout Europe.

Campagnebeeld EITA van een jongen met een rugzak

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