Types of education

Visio Education has five schools that provide special primary and secondary education for pupils with visual impairments and pupils with multiple (visual and mental) disabilities (MDVI).

If a visually impaired or blind child is unable to attend a regular primary or secondary school due to the disability or if the school cannot provide the best suitable educational offer to a pupil with a visually impairment, the pupil can go to a special education school from Visio. Our schools offer a safe learning environment on the way to a future that suits the pupil and their possibilities.

Each Visio school is first an ordinary school where pupils learn, develop, play and have fun. We pursue the same final objectives as regular education, which have been adapted due to the visual impairment. Pupils therefore develop the same knowledge and skills as in a regular school, only the pace is usually lower and groups are smaller (six to twelve pupils).
Yet Visio schools are also special. The visual impairment of the pupils requires many adaptations in education; the manner of furnishing the school and the classrooms, the choice of teaching methods and materials, the pedagogical approximation and the presence and use of assistiveware.

Primary education

Especially in primary education– and more broadly, in society – more and more use is made of visually attractive materials and methods. This can be a challenge for students with a visual impairment. Our teachers are daily faced with the task of making the seeing world more understandable for our students.

We take into account the possibilities and limitations of each student. In addition to a visual impairment, our students often have other problems such as social-emotional problems, learning difficulties or behavioural problems. Our teachers and other professionals, like social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, pedagogues and speech therapists are knowledgeable and trained in dealing with a combination of disabilities. This makes Visio education special and adapted to the possibilities of every student.


Special secondary education

At three of our schools Visio also offers secondary special education for visually impaired and blind students at the levels of practical-, preparatory secondary vocational- and senior general secondary education. Students develop the same knowledge and skills as regular education. They can obtain the same diplomas and certificates, with the same corresponding requirements and content as regular secondary education. However, the pace at which this is completed is usually slightly slower.

Visio believes it is important that students feel comfortable at school, that they feel safe, valued and respected. We therefore pay a lot of attention to the pedagogical climate and social-emotional development. We also think it is important to encourage students to become more independent and to take responsibility. These are central themes that can be found as a common thread throughout our education. In this way we try to contribute to the development of balanced, self-reliant young people.

Education for MDVI students

Many children with intellectual disabilities also have a visual impairment. The combination of limitations requires specific expertise and adjustments in education. The Visio schools in Breda and Haren are specifically equipped for the education of pupils with (severe) multiple disabilities. The schools in Grave, Rotterdam and Amsterdam also have departments for education of students with multiple disabilities. All MDVI students have a visual and intellectual disability (IQ up to 70).
Before children are able to learn anything, they must feel safe at school. That is why we pay a lot of attention to this. Every student has a permanent teacher or mentor.

We stimulate students in their development and in acquiring a place in society. Within the limits of their capabilities, we motivate students to take personal responsibility for their learning process.

With the education for MDVI students, Visio offers more than just learning math, geography or reading. Learning to play independently, eat and drink, communicate or dress and undress, are as common as gymnastics and language. The basis of education is the idea that every child is different and develops at their own pace , in their own way. Together with the parents or care-takers, we draw up an education-care arrangement for every student, individual goals and agreements are described in the personal action plan.

Primary education of (severe) MDVI pupils focuses on social-emotional development, game development, sensorimotor development, the development of practical self-reliance, language and communication. Through these pillars the students work on core objectives. This is done in such a way that the student is given optimal opportunities to develop as a person.
The secondary education of (severe) MDVI students is aimed at the outflow of pupils to further education, the labor market or (work-related) daytime activities.